Nous sommes ravis de partager l’un de nos nombreux processus de vieillissement en laboratoire avec vous.


Ces méthodes permettent de :

-Cartographier le vieillissement des huiles

-Comprendre le comportement des bases d’huile avec les additifs

-Mener des recherches sur la maintenance proactive, la modélisation pour l’intelligence Artificielle.

-Test de compatibilités entre les huiles ASTM D 7155, autre…

Dans cette vidéo, notre responsable de laboratoire vous emmène dans le monde des tests de vieillissement des huiles, en mettant en lumière certaines étapes importantes. Les informations recueillies visent à améliorer les moyens de prévention et de traitement, notamment en ce qui concerne la formation de varnish, de dépôts issus de la dégradation des huiles en général pour comprendre l’usure des machines.

Cette vidéo est un incontournable pour quiconque souhaite comprendre les défis liés à la durabilité des huiles de lubrification et à la réduction des coûts de maintenance.

#Agingoiltesting #HuileDeLubrification #Varnish #Gel

#Oilpurification#MachinesRotatives #MaintenancePréventive


We're delighted to share with you our appearance on BFM Business in FOCUS PME, where we had the opportunity to present our expertise and research in the field of oils, fuels and their monitoring and degradation treatment. It was an enriching and exciting experience!

Jérémy Pallas (Themis) : Themis est un fabricant de solutions de filtration – 08/07 (
Lors de cette entrevue, nous avons discuté des innovations que nous avons apportées dans le domaine de la filtration des fluides organique et comment elles ont un impact significatif sur l’industrie. Nous avons également partagé notre vision stratégique pour l’avenir, mettant en évidence notre engagement envers la croissance durable et l’excellence opérationnelle.
Notre Directeur Recherche et développement Jérémy Pallas, a partagé notre vision et nos savoir-faire en termes de traitement sur les nanotechnologies, l’intelligence artificielle et l’importance d’adopter les nouvelles technologies pour rester compétitif sur le marché mondial.
Nous sommes honorés d’avoir été invités par BFM Business à présenter notre entreprise, notre expertise et nos projets. Cela témoigne de la reconnaissance de notre travail et de notre détermination à repousser les limites de l’innovation.
Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement toute l’équipe de BFM Business pour cette opportunité exceptionnelle, ainsi que nos collaborateurs, partenaires et clients qui ont contribué à notre réussite.
Si vous avez manqué notre passage sur BFM Business, nous vous invitons à le regarder en ligne (Jérémy Pallas (Themis) : Themis est un fabricant de solutions de filtration – 08/07 ( et à découvrir comment Antara Groupe façonne l’avenir de la filtration des fluides.
Nous sommes ravis de partager cette expérience avec vous et de continuer à innover. Restez à l’écoute pour de nouvelles mises à jour passionnantes !

Jérémy Pallas (Themis) : Themis est un fabricant de solutions de filtration – 08/07 (
#AntaraGroupe #Innovation #BFMBusiness #TransformationNumérique #Leadership #Succès #FocusPME #Nanotechnologie #ESR #Huilehydraulique #Lubrification #Biocarburant #Varnishhydraulicoil #Diesel

As part of the Infranalytics initiative, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Themis (an ANTARA GROUPE company) have announced a strategic collaboration to improve the sustainability, safety and efficiency of critical infrastructures through fluid analysis.

Research initially focused on lubricating oils.

Understanding their degradation means helping to optimize systems by reducing pollution and improving production. It also helps reduce manufacturing costs. How can we help?

By improving service life and reliability of moving components. Oil degradation generates deposits, acids, friction and temperature increases, and the appearance of varnish, soot, sludge and gels.

Anticipating these phenomena is made possible by studying oil precursors and self-degrading agents.

EPR allows us to see these highly reactive substances and predict the future.

Infranalytics is a delocalized research infrastructure bringing together state-of-the-art analytical equipment in the fields of molecular chemistry and materials science. It aims to promote scientific excellence and meet societal challenges by optimizing the use of this equipment by a broad scientific community.

As part of this collaboration, CNRS will provide Themis ( with its scientific expertise and state-of-the-art equipment for infrastructure analysis. Themis, as a manufacturer of industrial filtration solutions, will contribute its practical experience in monitoring and optimizing fluid treatment within critical infrastructures.

The aim of this collaboration is to develop new methods and techniques for infrastructure analysis, combining the resources of CNRS with the practical expertise of Themis. The researchers will work hand in hand to improve the sustainability, safety and efficiency of critical infrastructures such as energy, transport and communication networks.

A key area of exploration for this collaboration will be ESR (Electron Spin Resonance) technology. This analysis method exploits the magnetic properties of materials to obtain information on their structure and composition. Using ESR technology, researchers will be able to detect degradation and anomalies in infrastructures, predict their lifespan and optimize their maintenance.

The collaboration between CNRS and Themis on Infranalytics is a testament to the importance of synergy between academic research and industry. By combining the scientific expertise of the CNRS with the practical experience of Themis, this collaboration pushes back the boundaries of fluid analysis and opens up new perspectives.

Thanks to this collaboration, the results of the research can be directly applied in the industrial field, making a significant contribution to the sustainability and efficiency of critical infrastructures. This collaboration strengthens the position of CNRS and Themis as leaders in infrastructure analysis, and opens the way to new research and development opportunities. In this respect, Marie ROUCAN (Head of Research and Testing Laboratory) presented the interest of EPR technology in Industry during an Infranalytics meeting link to the video below ESR TECHNOLOGY, COLLABORATION BETWEEN INFRANALYTICS, THEMIS AND CNRS Lille - YouTube

In conclusion, the collaboration between CNRS and Themis within the framework of Infranalytics represents a major step towards improving the sustainability and efficiency of critical infrastructures through fluid analysis. By joining forces, these major players are contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future.

#ESR #Collaborationthemiscnrs #Analysedesfluides #Nanotechnologie #Cnrslille #Themis #RPE


Subscribe to our page : ANTARA GROUPE : Presentation | LinkedIn

And our ANTARA GROUPE YouTube channel, where you can find our specialized articles and videos.

industrial oil filtration

As part of the OilDoc show, one of the world's leading events for fluid management, monitoring and maintenance, we were privileged to contribute our expertise at a conference which highlighted technological advances in the field of fluids and what the very near future holds in terms of management. Among the topics discussed, we particularly highlighted the importance of RPE (Retention Prevention Efficiency) in industry.

EPR represents the best approach to preventing oxidation residues and anticipating varnish formation, meeting your growing fluid management requirements. Our conference highlighted the latest technological advances and innovative solutions that will enable us to achieve an even higher level of finesse.

We are proud to contribute to the industry with solutions that optimize fluid performance and ensure efficient management. Our commitment to innovation and excellence continues to propel us into the future.

We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to everyone who attended our conference, and we remain committed to meeting the challenges of the fluids industry by offering you ever more advanced solutions.

#OilDoc2023 #FluidManagement #EPR #Oipurification #Innovation #Filtration #Varnishhydraulicoil #Residusdoxydation


industrial oil filtration

During its participation at the African Mining Indaba 2023, ANTARA GROUPE presented its innovative solutions in industrial filtration and fluid purification for the mining industry in Africa.

As a leading supplier in the sector, ANTARA GROUPE has demonstrated its expertise and commitment to developing and manufacturing tailor-made solutions to meet the specific challenges of the mining industry in Africa.

ANTARA GROUPE's team of experts took center stage at African Mining Indaba 2023, where they presented their advanced industrial filtration technologies. Their innovative solutions aroused keen interest among mining industry professionals attending the event.

Filtration technologies optimize mining production processes by removing contaminants from the fluids used. These solutions not only help to improve operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs, but also ensure the preventive maintenance of mining operations.

ANTARA GROUPE's participation in the African Mining Indaba was an ideal opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships and establish new contacts within the African mining industry. Their recognized expertise was once again showcased.

ANTARA GROUPE continues to push the boundaries of innovation in industrial filtration and fluid purification, contributing to the growth of the mining industry in Africa. Their expertise and tailored solutions make them a partner of choice for companies seeking optimal performance and sustainable practices. #MiningIndaba #MiningAfrica #ANTARA groupe #Mining #Innovation #Hydraulicoil #Lubrication #Biofuel #Varnish #Diesel #Filtrationinmiluminier

Subscribe to our channel: ANTARA GROUPE - YouTube

Link linkedin page: ANTARA GROUPE : Presentation | LinkedIn

industrial oil filtration

In support of your technical choices, your developments, your optimizations, not to mention our full range of laboratory analysis, ANTARA GROUPE invests heavily in its research and analysis offer, which is why we have doubled our laboratory space and equipped ourselves with the latest tools to go even further in meeting the challenges.



WE NATURALLY SHARE OUR KNOWLEDGE at ANTARA GROUPE and throughout our business. It is time for us to offer a complementary vector to this transmission of knowledge. We are launching our channel on youtube, where we will share our news, some technical subjects in order to perhaps clarify some points or facilitate your understanding.



tribology in oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration
industrial oil filtration